20th October 2023

           NSS 76th Round Sample Design & Estimation Training Program was conducted on 20th and 21st October 2023 at SASA Training Hall, Kaimanam. 30 officers from NSS, Survey & Design and Evaluation sections of the Directorate participated in the training program. On the subject of 'Estimation procedure of NSS 76th Round Survey and Introduction to ‘R’ software Mr. M. Somasekharapilla (Former HOD, Statistics Department, University College, Thiruvananthapuram) conduct the class and on the concluding day the Director of the Department Mr. Sreekumar B participated in the said training program.


26th September 2023

            The annual training related to various surveys and schemes of  Labour & Housing (L & H) section was conducted on 26/09/2023 at the Conference Hall of the Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Thiruvananthapuram. The Honorable Director, Mr. Sreekumar B, inaugurated the program. Joint Director (J D) of Survey & Design section Mrs. Sudarsha R gave the welcome note and the programme was presided over by Additional Director of State Income, Mr. Santhosh Kumar P D. A total of 60 officers (44 from districts, 16 from the directorate) participated in the training programme. Price section Additional Director Mr. Vinodan T P mentioned the importance of various schemes of the L & H section. Research Officer Mr. Abhilash K V gave the vote of thanks. The technical session followed the inaugural session, providing participants with in-depth insights into works related to labour and housing section. Assistant Director of L & H section, Mr. Sijith K S gave a detailed presentation on Building Statistics, Wage Structure Survey and USHA scheme. Later Housing section Research Assistant Mrs. Asha A gave presentation on Building Material Price & Labour Wages. The training equipped the statistical investigators of labour and housing statistics with relevant information regarding the technical terms used in the schedules and it helped in improving the quality and accuracy of the data. Finally a review session was conducted by J D (S & D) Mrs. Sudarsha R and the programme ended at 5.00 pm.


25th September 2023

             A one day state level training Program on Index of Industrial Production was conducted on monday 25/09/2023 at Directorate Conference Hall. The inaugural meeting of the training program started at 10 am under the chairmanship of Mr. Santosh Kumar P. D, Additional Director (State Income). Mrs. Sudarsha R, Joint Director (S&D) gave an introductory speech on Industrial Production Index and Wholesale Price Index and welcomed the officials who participated in the program. The honorable Director Mr. Sreekumar B officially inaugurated the training program, with Mr.Vinodan T P, Additional Director (Price) and Mr. Vineesh P. P, Deputy Director, NSO (FOD), Regional Office, Thiruvananthapuram extending their greetings. Sri.Rajendran Nair S, Assistant Director (Price) (In charge of IIP) thanked all the officials who attended the inaugural meeting. Around 70 officials from District, Directorate and NSO(FOD) (Thiruvanthapuram) are participated.

              In the first technical session of the training programme, Sri.Vijayakumar V, Deputy Director, Kollam gave a detailed review of the methodology, estimation and revision of the Index of Industrial Production. In the second technical session Mr. Vineesh P. P, Deputy Director, NSO (FOD), Regional Office, Thiruvananthapuram, conducted a detailed class on the calculation of wholesale price index. Then Mrs. Sudarsha R, Joint Director (S&D) discussed the matters related to Industrial Production Index and Wholesale Price Index with the officials from the districts. A review of the training program was also conducted.


13th September 2023

A two-day training program on Annual Survey of Industries was held on September 13 and 14, 2023 at Conference Hall, Directorate of Economics and Statistics under the Chairmanship of Additional Director (State Income), Shri. Santhosh Kumar P. D.  Smt. Bindhu K R , Assistant Director (I/C), ASI Division delivered the welcome address and the programme was inaugurated by Director Shri. Sreekumar B. The Deputy Directors, Research Officers and Statistical Investigators of the District Offices and the officers of the Directorate participated in the program.

Shri. Vinodhan T. P., Additional Director (Price), and Shri. Vineesh P. P, Deputy Director, NSO (FOD), Regional Office, Thiruvananthapuram felicitated the event.The training program was organized to improve the skills of officials engaged in the survey thereby enhancing its reliability. The resource persons of the training programme were Mr. Vineesh P. P, Deputy Director, NSO (FOD), Regional Office, Thiruvananthapuram, and Mr. K. N. Rajeev Kumar, SSO, NSO (FOD), SRO, Kollam.  The officials gave a detailed training on the significance of the survey and how to use ASI software to enter data, based on the financial statements collected from the factories selected for the survey.


1st July 2023

17th National Statistics Day celebration was conducted at Directorrate of Economics and Statistics, Thiruvananthapuram on 01-07-2023 to commemorate the birth naniversary of Prof. Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis, the father of Indian Statistics. The programme was jointly organised by the Department of Economics & Statistics and National Statistics Office, Field Operations Division (FOD), Thiruvananthapuram. The theme of Statistics Day 2023 as decided by MoSPI was Alignment of State Indicator Framework with National Indicator Framework for monitoring Sustainable Development Goals. Sri. S M Vijayanand IAS Chief Secretary Kerala Rtd and Director of Centre for Management Development ianugurated the event, Smt. Sunitha Bhaskar, Deputy Director General NSO, FOD made a Key Note Address and Sri. Sreekumar B Diretor  of DES presided over the meeting. Sri. Somasekharan Pilla Prof Rtd in Statistics delivered a speech on importance of data for sustainable development. Sri. Sreekumar B Director of DES made a presentation on i,porantace of SDG for monitoring the development of the State and Smt. Sunitha Bhaskaer, DDG NSO made a presentation on the theme "Alignment of NIF with SIF for monitoring SDG". Sri. Rajath G S Joint Director PIEMD Scretariat made a presentation on the allignment of NIF with SIF for monitoring SDG. Sri. T P Vinodan Senior Joint Director delivered the welcome address and Smt. Sudharsa R Joint Director PPC made Vote of Thanks. 


12th to 16th June 2023

A team of six officers of Indian Statistical Service (ISS) cadre of 43rd batch who are under probation visited the Department of Economics & Statistics Kerala as part of their State level Training in various States/ UTs. The training was held at Directorate Conference Hall from  12 to 16 June 2023. Smt. Sudharsa R, Joint Director PPC coordinated the probationers' training, Sri., Sreekumar B, Director DES gave a brief introduction about the activities of DES and strength of Kerala Statistical System and Sri. D S Shibukumar Deputy Director made a presentation on State Statistical System. Officers of various sections had handled lectures on schemes and activities in each sections of the department. Field visit was also arranged as part of the training. The probationers team visited Government Secretariat and SASA and met various Govt Secretaries and Chairman Kerala State Statistical Commission during the course of training.

30th May 2023

The certificate distribution ceremony of the Capacity Building Programme on Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics which was conducted by Digital University Kerala from 28-11-2022 to 31-03-2023 for 45 days was held on 30 May 2023 at Directorate Conference Hall, Vikas Bhavan. Dr. Elizabeth Sherly, Distinguished Professor and Sri. Surag M, Scientific Associate from DUK had attended the event. Dr. Elizabeth Sherly has released the Compendium of Project Reports prepared by the trainees as part of the course. Sri. Sajeevu P.P., Director DES presided over the fucntion. Smt. Lathakumari C.S, Additional Director (General) made a welcome speech, Sri. Sreekumar B, Additional Director (Prices) made a falicitation address and Sri. D S Shibukumar, Deputy Director said vote of thanks.

3rd April 2023

A team of two officials from the World Bank have visited the Directorate of Economics & Statistics Thiruvananthapuram on 3 March 2023 to study the spatial development strategies rin Kerala. The team was coordinated by WB Kerala Consultant Smt. Riby R Mathew. The team consists of World Bank Consultant Sri. Sougen Choi and World Bank Senior Economist Sri. Jerry Chen. Sri. Sajeevu P.P., Director of Economics & Statistics made a presentation on data availability in DES and senior officers in the Directorate have participated during the interaction held with the Worl Bank team.


13th February 2023

A team of two officers from the World Bank have visited the Directorate of Economics & Statistics Thiruvananthapuram on 13 February 2023. The World Bank team consists of Sri. Adarsh Kumar and Sri. Francis. The purpose of visit was to study the agriculture statistical system in Kerala. Sri. Sajeevu P.P., Director of Economics & Statistics made a presentation about DES. Senior officers and EARAS section  were present during the interaction held with the team.

9th February 2023

A one day refresher training on Sample Check was held at Directorate Conference Hall on 9 February 2023. Dr. Sunitha Bhaskar ISS, DDG NSO Kerala has inaugurated the event. Director, Additional Directors, Joint Director and Deputy Directors in the directorate were attended the event. This programme was organised by EARAS division. From all districts, Deputy Directors, Aditional District Officers, Technical RA (EARAS) and Statistical Assistant (EARAS) were attended. Sri. Rajeev, Supt NSO Thiruvananthapuram has handled classes on AS 1.0 sample check.

7th to 8th February 2023

State level training programme on adhoc surveys in 2022-23 was held at Directorate Conference Hall on 7-8 February 2023. The subjects of surveys covered in the programme were "Survey on Infertility in Kerala" and "Survey on unreturend Pravasis in Kerala due to Covid-19". During this event which was conducted by Survey & Desigh Division, Deputy Directors and Reserach Officers from all districts were paerticipated during the programme. At directorate level, Director, Additional Ditrectors, Joint Directors and Deputy Directors attended.

17th January 2023

A team of four officers from the World Bank have visited the Directorate of Economics & Statistics Thiruvananthapuram on 17 January 2023. The team was coordinated by WB Technology Consultant Mr. Shashank Jayakumar. The other members in the team was WB Disaster Risk Management Specialist Mrs. Illika Sahu, WB Data Specialist Mr. Ravikumar and WB Data Policy Specialist Mr. Prasanna Lal Das.

Director Sri. Sajeevu P P welcomed the guests and made a presentation on the data availability in DES. Additional Directors, Joint Directors and Deputy Directors were present during the meeting. The main objective of the discussion was data availability for disaster management. The World Bank team visit in Kerala was coordinated by Rebuild Kerala Initiative, Govt of Kerala. Thereafter a Workshop on Disaster Management was held at Kerala State IT Mission on 14-01-2023 and Deputy Director Sri. D S Shibukumar has attended in this Workshop on behalf of DES.

7th January 2023

An one day training programme on estimation of NSS 78th Round data was held at SASA, Thiruvananthapuram. Planning Additional Chief Secretary Sri. Puneet Kumar IAS has inaugurated the programme. KSSC Chairman Sri. P C Mohanan, ISS (Rtd) has mede a keynote address. During teh event Sri. Sajeevu P P, Director DES was presided over, Smt. Lathakumari C S, Addl Dir (General) has made a welcome speech and Addl Directors Sri. Sreekumar B and Sri. Santhoshkumar P D have made falicitations. 

Sri. Somasekharan Pillai, former HoD of Statistics, University College, Thiruvananthapuram has handled classes on estimation procedure of the NSS 78 Round sample survey. Fifty numbers of officers and staff from various cadresin the Directorate of Economics & Statistics has attended the programme.

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Last Updated: 25, Mar 2024