Infrastructure Statistics and Environment Statistics are the two annual reports that are being published every year in the Department of Economics and Statistics Kerala to strengthen the existing statistical system.

Infrastructure and Environment Statistics

Infrastructure and Environment Statistics

      Department of Economics and Statistics Kerala (I& ES wing) brought out the publications entitled to strengthen the existing statistical system. Two Annual Reports namely infrastructure statistics and compendium environment statistics are being published every year in the section.


Infrastructure Statistics

     ‘Infrastructure Statistics of Kerala’ aimed to bring all statistical information pertaining to creation of infrastructure in the state with special focuses on power, bridges, roads, dams and urban infrastructure development projects. Infrastructure Statistics of the year 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 have been published.


 Environment Statistics

      As an endeavour to know our environment, the Department of Economics and Statistics, Govt. of Kerala, has been bringing out the publication. The framework for the development of Environment Statistics (FDES) provides a framework that marks out environmental data that fall within its scope and then structures, synthesizes and aggregates them into meaningful statistics. Environmental Statistics support evidence-based policy making by enabling the identification of environmental policy issues and the objective quantification of measures and impacts of policy initiatives. The main products of environment statistics are detailed tabulated environment statistics series, environmental accounts and environmental indicators. Environment Statistics 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14 have been published.

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Last Updated: 24, Mar 2024