Computer Division
A Computer Division is working in the Directorate to handle information and communication technology related subjects of the Department of Economics and Statistics. The cleaning, processing and validation of the data collected from the field offices under various surveys and schemes conducted by the department are being done in this division. This division manages the networking services in the directorate and coordinates the ICT enabled activities of the deprtment. This division is functioning under the supervision of a Deputy Director. This division develops online software applications for data entry of surveys conducted by the department and supervise the data transmission from the Taluk and District offices of the department. All ICT enabled project mangement activities are governed through the IT division in the directorate.
The major acitivities in Computer Division are the following:
- All kind of data processing activities
- Management of oficial Website of the department
- Management of all IT applications and Web Portals of the department
- Monitoring and management of IT gadgets and its availability
- Management of internet connectivity like KFON, KSWAN etc and LAN
- Close coordination with State IT Mission, IT Department and other IT organisations and TSPs
- In house software development activities
- Management of email services in the department
- Implementation of e-office paperless management system in the department