Economic Census (EC) is a periodic count of all the economic   entities (ie, units engaged in production and/or distribution of goods and services not for the sole purpose of consumption) functioning within the geographical boundaries   of the country. It is conducted  on an all India basis covering all the States and Union Territories.

This census collects data of organised and unorganised establishments from ward to all India level to analyze the economic structure of the country. The database is used by central & state governments for planning, policy making, research in various fields &   it also serves as a sampling frame for follow up surveys.

The survey provides information about number of establishments, hired/non-hired workers, ownership of establishments, registration of establishments , number of establishments by source of finance, nature of  operation, economic activity etc. National Statistical Office (NSO) is the authority to conduct the Economic Census at national & state levels. It is a 100% centrally sponsored scheme of MOSPI, Govt. Of India.


Six ECs have been conducted so far throughout the country. All these Economic Censuses were conducted in the state by DES.



Period of conducting

1st  Economic Census

Oct-Nov. 1977

2nd  Economic Census

May – June 1980

3rd  Economic Census


 4th   Economic Census


5th Economic Census

June – Sept. 2005

6th Economic Census

May – June 2013

The current Economic Census is seventh in the series. The 7th EC is implemented in our State by Common Service Centre (CSC) e- Governance Services India Limited with the support of NSO & State DES. The Additional Chief Secretary (Planning & Economic Affairs) at State level and District Collectors at District level are nominated as charge officers for the overall coordination of 7th EC activities.

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Last Updated: 24, Mar 2024