This section contains some questions which are supposed to be asked by data users and other policy makers. This FAQ is prepared within the the administrative and technical powers of the department for conduct of surveys and release of data.

Frequently Asked Questions

1 Whether any other department can conduct sample survey? In Kerala, Department of Economics & Statistics is the official Nodal Agency to conduct sample surveys and to collect data on any socio-economic sectors of Kerala economy.
2 Which is the official agency in Kerala to estimate state income and district income of the State of Kerala? Department of Economics & Statistics is the official and authorised agency in Kerala to calculate State income estimates.The estimates are being calculated based on the methodoly provided by the Central Statiostical Office, MoSPI, Govt of India.
3 Which is the authorised agency to collect and publish agriculture statistics in Kerala? Department of Economics & Statistics is the designated State Agricultural Statistics Authority to collect and estimate crop statistics by conducting sample surveys. The methodoly support for this survey is being provided by National Statistical Organisation (formerly NSSO), MoSPI, Govt of India.
4 What is the periodicity of changing the base year? Base year is a normal year which is supposed to be free from any abnormalities such as War, Natural Calamities, political emergency etc which are seriousely affecting the economy. Usually, CSO or NSO will decide the change of base year at all India level for different schemes. Same base year is preferred for getting comparable estimates from all States and UTs.
5 Which is the designated agency to prepare and publish Vital Statistics in Kerala? Department of Economics & Statistics is the designated agency in Kerala to complie birth and death statistics based on the statistical information received from registration of births and deaths under Registration of Births and Deaths Act 1969. Additional Director (General) DES is the Additional Chief Registrar of Births and Deaths in Kerala.


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Last Updated: 25, Jan 2023