#AIFORALL - Capacity Building in Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics held at Digital University Kerala for the staff of DES. Certificate distribution and Compendium of projects release ceremony held at Directorate Conference Hall on 30-05-2023

Training Team with senior officers in DES and DUK officials

Training Team with senior officers in DES and faculties from DUK

Release of Compendium of Project Reports by Dr. Elizabeth Sherly, Distingushed Professor DUK on 30-05-2023

Release of Compendium by Dr. Elizabeth Sherly Distingushed Professor DUK

Welcome Speech by Smt. Lathakumari C S, Additional Direcor (General)

Keynote Address by Dr. Elizabeth Sherly, Distigished Professor DUK

Speech by Smt. Lathakumari C.S, Additional Director (General)

Presidential speech of Director DES Sri. Sajeevu P.P.

Speech by Smt. Lathakumari C S, Addl Director DES

Keynote address by Dr. Elizabeth Sherly, Distinguished Professor DUK

Falicitation by Sri. Sreekumar B, Addl Director DES

Vote of Thanks by Sri. D S Sreekumar, Deputy Director DES and Falicitation by Sri. Surag M, Scientific Associate, DUK

Smt. Lathakumari C S, Addl Director DES and Dr. Elizabeth Sherly, Distinguished Professor DUK

Experience sharing- by Sri. Preeth VS and Smt. Neethymol Kurian

Interaction with the DES officials by DUK team

Department officials and the Trainees

Department officials with the Trainees

Department officials and the Trainees

Department officials and the Trainees

Award of certificate to Smt. May S, Deputy Director

Award of certificate to Smt. Brijila S, Statistical Assistant

Award of certificate to Sri. Ashad W A, Statistical Assistant

Award of certificate to Smt. Dhanya A, Deputy Director

Award of certificate to Smt. Shailamma K, Deputy Director

Award of certificate to Sri. Prasanth B R, Research Assistant

Award of certificate to Sri. Preeth V S, Deputy Director

Award of certificate to Sri. Sijith K S, Research Officer

Award of certificate to Sri. Nidhin Babu, Statistical Assistant

Award of certificate to Sri. Rajesh R, Statistical Assistant

Award of certificate to Sri. Suma S A, Research Assistant

Award of certificate to Kum. Baby Sindhu, Statistical Assistant

Award of certificate to Sri. Abhilash K V, Research Officer

Award of certificate to Smt. Sudharsa R, Joint Director

Award of certificate to Smt. Chitra J V, Statistical Assistant

Award of certificate to Smt. Neethymol Kurian, Statistical Assistant

Award of certificate to Sri. Vijay R, Research Officer