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Trend of area and production of spices in Kerala

Trend of area and production of spices in Kerala... more

CPI for AL&IW- centre wise latest index in Kerala

CPI for AL&IW- centre wise latest index in Kerala... more

Trend of fallow and cultivable waste in Kerala

Trend of fallow and cultivable waste in Kerala... more

Trend of Gross and Net Cropped area in Kerala

Trend of Gross and Net Cropped area in Kerala... more

Trend of Cropping intensity in Kerala

Trend of Cropping intensity in Kerala... more

FWP: Trend of State average farm wholesale price of Banana

Trend of State average farm wholesale price of Banana... more

FWP: Trend of State average farm wholesale price of ginger

Trend of State average farm wholesale price of ginger... more

FWP: Trend of State average farm wholesale prices of Rubber

Trend of State average farm wholesale prices of Rubber... more

FWP: Farm wholesale price of coconut with husk, latest

Farm wholesale price of coconut with husk, latest prices, district wise average... more

FWP: Farm Wholesale prices of Rubber, latest prices

Farm Wholesale prices of Rubber, latest prices. District wise average of all Taluk data... more

Showing 31 to 40 of 108