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E50: State average prices of vegetables, latest

State average prices of vegetables, latest... more

E50: State average prices of spices and condiments, latest

State average prices of spices and condiments, latest... more

E50: State average prices of milk, sugar and egg, latest

State average prices of milk, sugar and egg... more

E50: State average retail prices of rice- 3 varieties

State average retail prices of rice- 3 varieties, Matta, Chamba, Andhra Vella... more

Trend of area and production of Tapioca in Kerala

Trend of area and production of Tapioca in Kerala... more

Trend of area and prodcution of plantation crops in Kerala

Trend of area and prodcution of plantation crops in Kerala... more

Trend of area and production of spices in Kerala

Trend of area and production of spices in Kerala... more

CPI for AL&IW- centre wise latest index in Kerala

CPI for AL&IW- centre wise latest index in Kerala... more

Trend of fallow and cultivable waste in Kerala

Trend of fallow and cultivable waste in Kerala... more

Trend of Gross and Net Cropped area in Kerala

Trend of Gross and Net Cropped area in Kerala... more

Showing 61 to 70 of 141