MI: State average prices of arecanut, coconut and copra, latest... more
MI: State average wholesale prices of Rice- chamba and matta... more
Trend chart of State average wholesale prices of Tapioca- raw and boiled... more
Latest monthly average of Taluk wise farm retail prices of banana collected from selected Taluks in Kerala on every fortnight... more
Trend of State average farm wholesale price of Banana (in Quintal) collected from selected Taluks in Kerala on monthly basis... more
Latest daily market wholesale price of banana in all Taluks collected on daily basis under Market Intelligent scheme in selected Taluks and district headquarters in Keral... more
Latest District wise daily average retail price of banana (green) collected under 50 essential commodities in all market centres in district headquarters in Kerala on all... more
Showing 11 to 20 of 61