The main objective of this survey was to estimate the cost of cultivation per hectare and value of output per hectare of important crops in Kerala

Scheme Established:1980-1981
Cost Of Cultivation

Cost of Cultivation

The Government of Kerala accorded Sanction for conducting annual Survey of Cost of Cultivation of important crops in the state from 1980-81 on wards Vide G.O (Rt) 466/79/Plg dated.27/10/1979. The Survey covered all the districts of Kerala by selecting 38 Taluks. The  crops covered by the survey are paddy ( 3 Seasons), Coconut, Arecanut, Pepper, Banana, Tapioca, Ginger, Turmeric, Bitter gourd (3 Seasons), Cowpea (3 Seasons), Pineapple and Cardamom ( Idukki, Palakkad, Wayanad districts only) As per the decision of the Technical Committee which held on 21/10/2020, following 11 varieties of vegetables have also been included in the survey.Ash Gourd, Cucumber, Snake Gourd, Ladies finger, Cabbage, Carrot, Potato, Beans, Beetroot, Garlic and Tomato (3 Seasons) are the additional 11vegetables added in the survey.

paddy, Bitter gourd ,Cowpea ,Ash Gourd , Cucumber, Snake Gourd , Ladies finger , Cabbage, Carrot, Potato, Beans, Beetroot , Garlic and Tomato (3 Seasons), Coconut, Arecanut, Pepper, Banana, Tapioca, Ginger, Turmeric, Pineapple  Cardamom and such us 23 Varieties of crops are selected for the survey

The main objective of this survey is to estimate the cost of cultivation per hectare and value of output per hectare of important crops in Kerala.


From each taluk, on the basis of the selected crops, zones areselected in the order of 4 or 3 or 2 by using circular systematicsampling method. For this, the frame of the each crop of the surveyis prepared by using the farmers' list from Krishi Bhavan,Padasekhara samithi, the list prepared by EARAS investigator, list offarmers available from VFPCK marketing centres or by local enquiry,etc. After this, farmers are selected from this frame, approved by theTaluk Statistical Officer concerned. The selected farmers shouldbelongs to small/medium/large category.


The period of this survey is an agriculture year (ie, July to June).The survey report of cost of cultivation is prepared and published annually.

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Last Updated: 24, Mar 2024