Seniority List

Seniority List

21, Oct 2022

Provisional Seniority List of Personnel in the cadre of driver as on 31/03/2022

Provisional Seniority List of Personnel in the cadre of driver as on 31/03/2022More...

30, Sept 2022

DES/5022/2022-GRC DATED 07-02-2023

Provisional seniority list of personnel in the cadre of L D Typists as on 30.09.2022More...

30, Sept 2022

ORDER N0-DES/4808/2022-GRC Dated:30/12/2022

Final seniority list of personnel ln the cadre of Director, Additional Director, Joint Director, Deputy Director & Assistant DirectorMore...

30, Sept 2022

ORDER N0-DES/4808/2022-GRC Dated:08/11/2022

Provisional seniority list of personnel ln the cadre of Director, Additional Director, Joint Director, Deputy Director & Assistant DirectorMore...

30, Aug 2022

GRC-1800/2022/DES dated 30/08/2022

Final Seniority List of personnel in the cadre of Taluk Statistical Officer / Statistical Officer / Statistical Officer (Administration) / Senior Supervisor (Computer) as on 31/03/2022More...

09, July 2022

DES/2246/2022-GRC dated 09/07/2022

Final Seniority List of personnel in the cadre of Confidential Assistant as on 30/04/2022More...

06, June 2022

ORDER NO.DES/l082/2022-GRC Dated:O6/06/2022

Final Seniority List of Director, Additional Director, Joint Director, Deputy Director, Assistant Director as on 31/03/2022More...

20, May 2022

DES/1800/2022-GRC Dated: 20-05-2022

Provisional Seniority List of Personnel in the cadre of Taluk Statistical Officer / Statistical Officer / Statistical Officer (Administration) / Sr. Supervisor Computer as on 31/03/2022More...

20, May 2022

DES/4860/2021-GRC Dated:20105/2022

Provisional Seniority List of Personnel in the cadre of Office Attendant as on 31/03/2022More...

16, May 2022

DES/930/2022-GRC Dated:16-05-2022

Final Seniority List of personnel in the cadre of Additional District Officer as on 28/02/2022More...

16, May 2022

DES/934/2022-GRC Dated:16-05-2022

Final Seniority List of personnel in the cadre of District Officer/Regional Statistical Officer/Senior Statistical Officer as on 28/02/2022More...

30, Apr 2022

DES/2316/2022/GRC DATED 07/02/2023

Final seniority list of personnel in the cadre of Driver as on 30.04.2022More...

25, Apr 2022

DES/1082/2022-GRC Dated:25-04-2022

Provisional Seniority List of personnel in the cadres of Director, Additional Director, Joint Director, Deputy Director, Assistant Director as on 31/03/2022More...

19, Apr 2022

DES/51/2022-GRC Dated:19-04-2022

Provisional Seniority List of Personnel in the cadre of Statistical Assistant Gr.I /Statistical Investigator Gr.I /Junior Statistical Inspector as on 28/02/2022 More...

11, Mar 2022

DES/934/2022-GRC Dated: 11-03-2022

Provisional Seniority List of personnel in the cadre of District Officer/Regional Statistical Officer/ Senior Statistical Officer as on 28/02/2022More...

11, Mar 2022

DES/930/2022-GRC Dated:11-03-2022

Provisional Seniority List of personnel in the cadre of Additional District Officer as on 28/02/2022More...

23, Feb 2022

Seniority List of RA/SI as on 30-09-21

Final Seniority List of Research Assistant / Statistical Inspector / Extension Officer (P&M) as on 30/09/2021More...

23, Feb 2022

DES/18710/2019-Gradation Cell dated 23-02-2022

Final Seniority List of Research Assistant / Statistical Inspector / Extension Officer (P&M) as on 30/09/2021More...

14, Dec 2021

DES/18710/2019-Gradation Cell Dated 14-12-2021

Revised Provisional Seniority List of Personnel in the cadre of Research Assistant / Statistical Inspector / Extension Officer (P&M) as on 30/09/2021More...

29, July 2021

DES/2021/2021-GRC Dated 29-07-2021

Provisional seniority List of personnel in the cadre of Research Officer as on 30/06/2021 More...

Showing 41 to 60 of 67