State Level Trainer's Training on Agriculture Census 2021-22 held on 14-09-2022

Inauguration of State level Training by DDG & Agriculture Census Commissioner Dr. Dalip Singh ISS, Govt of India

Presidential speech by Sri. Sajeevu P P, Director of DES

Welcome speech by Sri. Sreekumar B, Additional Director Prices

Vote of Thanks by Sri. Roy Thomas JD, Felicitation by Smt. Rejatha, Joint Director Dept of Agriculture, Sri. Jayamohan,. Asst Commissioner, LRC and Ms. Jagrati Goyal, Asst Dir, M/o A&FW (clock wise from left)

State level conference on Agriculture Census held at PWD Rest House, Thiruvananthapuram on 14 Sept 2022

State level conference on Agriculture Census held at PWD Rest House, Thiruvananthapuram

State level conference on Agriculture Census held on 14-09-2022

State level conference on Agriculture Census held on 14-09-2022

State level conference on Agriculture Census held on 14-09-2022

Agriculture Census Division in DES with Director & Asst Dir Govt of India

Officers in DES during the Conference

Officers in DES with Asst Dir M/o Agriculture