An extensive catalogue of interactive open datasets made available by the department.
Analytics on State Income Estimates
Analytics on Crop Estimates on Area and Production
Dynamic Analytics of Prices- Wholesale and Retail
Please select a topic to explore indicators and data. Most data sets contain downloadable datasets and insights.
Commodity Prices
Prices matter for producers and consumers. Food prices impact farmer’s incomes, and they matter for how much – and what foods – families can afford. Prices variations affect the state's popultation's budget and have a direct impact on their spending patterns, and in many cases, their participation in the workforce. Systematically updated datasets containing price data , pertinent to both cost of living of the state's population, as well as for trade of important commodities in the State.
Demographics & Population Statistics
According to 2011 census, Kerala is home to 2.76% of India's population, and its land is three times as densely settled as the rest of India. Kerala has implemented measures to tackle some of the world's most devastating and preventable population health problems: Infant deaths, Maternal morality etc. The datasets contained in this section has data that is systemically collected in continued focus of population health statistics, as well as demographic ratios and patterns.
State Macroeconomic Performance
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Department of Economics & Statistics Data Analytics Dashboard 2024 ecostat
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