
Daily Retail Prices of Essential Commodities


Daily prices of essential food commodities are being collected from 14 district headquarters on all working days

Prices of Essential Commodities


Daily prices of commodities that have a direct impact on the cost of living for a wide section of Kerala's population. Data is automatically populated each evening on all working days. When data is unavailable for any given day, the dashboard will reflect the last day's data available in the system.


What is contained in this interactive dataset?

Essential commodity prices have a large impact on cost of living. DES collects data on a predetermined sample set of essential commodities on a daily basis (working days) from various district centres. Data has been categorized into various groups for effective purview by data consumers. Please select an appropriate tab to view the current day's price level for items of your choice. Further, one may also compare and contrast price information available across various districts by using the data enquiry form available later in the page.

Price trend of important commodities

The trend of daily retail price of selected important commodities from 01-01-2023 to till date is given in the following section. The items in the charts are grouped according to their importance and price value. These interactice charts facilitate the data users to filter the date range and items available in each chart.

Top Single Day Price Variations


This chart indicates items whose state-wide average prices have changed most significantly. The chart is based on 1-day price changes, as compared to the most recent previous day where price information is available. Users may find it convenient to do further research using the price enquiry component below.


How to Use This Chart

The chart shows prices for the latest date available in the system as well as historical prices for the following reference dates:

  • Immediate previous date for which price data is available
  • If data is available for the same date in the previous month, then price on that date, else no data shown
  • If data is available for the same date in the previous year, then the price on that date, else no data is shown

Finding Detail Level Data

Detail level price information can be gathered using the enquiry form below. You may use this facility to compare price differences for the same item across multiple districts, or track the change in price across time for one item.

Price trend charts require the user to first make selections and narrow down the search.

State Average Daily Prices of Essential Commodities

Average of retail prices of essential commodities collected from all district centres on a daily basis. The users can filter the date, item group and select item (s) to view the desired data.

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