
Farm Wholesale Prices of Agriculture Commodities

Farm Wholesale Prices

Farm wholesale Prices of Agricultural Commodities have a direct impact on the Wholesale Market rates of such commodities including their Retail Prices.

Farm Wholesale Prices of Commodities

Farm wholesale prices of agricultural commodities have a direct impact on the wholesale market rates of such commodities including their retail prices. Farm wholesale prices are being collected from selected 77 Taluks on every fortnight and the monthly average is being published. Data is automatically populated each month on a selected date. When data is unavailable for any given month, the dashboard will reflect the last month's data available in the system.

Farm Wholeslae Price Enquiry: Taluk wise Bar Chart

The chart provided here is a bar chart with Taluks in X-axis and item price in Y-axis. Select one district, one or all Taluks and one commodity to display the chart. If more than one district and multiple commodities are selected, the chart will not be displayed. Also, try to choose one month period to generate the graph. If multiple months are selected, the chart will not be generated. Farm wholesale prices are being published after 45 days from the date of collecting. So, please select a period two months back to get the data.

Latest State Average Farm wholesale Price: Item wise Bart Chart

The data provided in this table is the State level average of farm wholesale prices of all commodities. The date shown in the first column is the date corresponding to the month of latest published data.


Trend of farm wholesale price- State average


Different commodity shows different price trend. This section depicts a graphical representation of price change of major farm commodities over the latest months.


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Data and interpretations on this online document may have been sourced from one or more Publications or data sets of the Department of Economics & Statistics, Government of Kerala. . When citing this article, please also cite the underlying data sources. This article can be cited as:

Department of Economics & Statistics, Kerala 2024 Farm Wholesale Price www.ecostat.kerala.gov.in


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